I always felt like the nuns at my Catholic grade school didn't like me because my dad was Jewish. And indeed, they really didn't like me for whatever reason. Now, all these years later, I am looking at the whole thing in a much different way. Any religion or organization that says you can't be member bothers me. I never really felt like I belonged because of my background. I know now that it's okay to feel like you just don't fit in anywhere. But, when you see that there are 'clubs' where people feel most comfortable and you just don't fit in,....well..that's sad and not very comforting. Yet I've learned to live with this "dis-ease" however imperfectly. .
My husband is a full fledged Jew. I never fit in with his 'club'. Although he likes to say he doesn't belong; he does, and always will. In the meantime..I'm just sort of going with the flow and being aware that I'm human...and the human club is very, very large. Whether you want to be a member or not, you are. And that's why I like Jesus so much. That was his message...the human message of living in an imperfect world emotionally, psychologicially, and ethnically....we're all a member of the human race whether we want to admit it or not. That's the equality of life.
So be it....have a great time in your human-ness.

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