Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Satisfiaction in a job well done....

So, today was a day off from work.  My daughter has been away for almost three weeks so I went to her home to clean and make sure it welcomed her back in a shining way.  I must say I did WELL.  She has a beautiful home with many beautiful things.  I LOVE beautiful things.  Although she cleaned before she left..her husband did live there for a week before he joined his lovely little fam in KC. That means he lived there...And there was also yet another dust storm in this lovely city of mine...meaning more cleaning up what seems like drywall dust everywhere.  I love doing what I did today.  When I used to go away I always wished someone would do what I did for my daughter.  It felt so good to know that she will come home and sigh a sigh of relief.  I even did the laundry and put it away.  The garage, the laundry room...check. 

I am a obsessed with getting good deals.  My stylish little girl told me that what her large master bedroom needed was a chaise lounge.  Sooooo....while strolling through Goodwill (which I do on a weekly basis.) I saw this 1950's Hollywood glam chaise. It is beautiful.  I didn't have $130.  to spend on this so I waited it out unitl half price Saturday when I arrived an hour and fifteen minutes before opening just to make sure I would get it...and lo and behold, I got it for half price.  NICE!  I was able to carry it to her bedroom so that when she gets home she'll be able to lie in it when the kids are too much energy...She can go to her lovely master, shut the door and relax.  Not that she really will...but hey, it'll be there if she chooses.

Although this is not the's a whole lot like it.

It's late now and I'm okay to sleep in tomorrow as it's another day off.  Even though the hours that I work are a little crazy, they afford me time to sleep in if I have a late night...and I am a night person after all.  There is nothing so satisfying as doing something wonderful for someone you love.  It's so fullfilling. 

I'm very fortunate to have my daughter, her husband and my grandkids literally just around the corner...I must say though, I miss my son.  I would love to do wonderful things for him and because he lives so far away, I'm not able to do what I'd like for him.  Oh well...maybe someday?

Life is interesting to say the least.  Okay, off the subject just a little, but I'm watching my budget....meaning I can't just spend money like water.  I needed a kitty litter and really wanted the hooded kind with the charcoal flter.  I decided to settle for just the square, plastic kind at the grocery store for $3.50.  Okay..whatever.  So, when I went to the half price sale at Goodwill..there it was, a new, hooded,charcoal filter kitty litter...with two brand new scoops for only $5.  A God thing?  I believe so.

Well..that's it for deep thoughts, just a great feeling of getting a lot done and feeling satisfied with a day's work....night all....

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