It's late-ish and my husband fixed an amazingly low cal dinner (grilled tuna steaks, asparagus, and roasted sweet potato fries....See??) Life is good.

Tomorrow I begin my "new" assignment at work...a different site. I'll interject here that I have been spoiled working in my neighborhood. I don't want to leave..but I must.

It's been extremely easy doing what I have been doing and I'm sure it will be just fine in the next assignment, but you know how "new" goes, especially when it refers to a job.
So, this blog is just going to be sort of random subjects. Whatever comes to mind, will be written.

I am sooo grateful to live where I do. The Sonoran Desert.

A civilized desert mind you. Not like the kind you see on tv when someone is lost and wandering in this vast, hot, crazy wasteland.

But a stucco and tile roof type of civilized.

I love it! I love waking up to the mountain outside of my window...and the birds chirping and NO SNOW...Yes, snow can be beautiful for maybe a week. And then it turns to grey, ugly slush. Like a mood that is so depressed it becomes dangerous.

I am so grateful for my sister...she is such a joy to chat with when I'm lonely...that would be Debbie..my middle sister. She is the best.

Don't get me wrong, all of my sisters are a joy and the best. But tonight, I had the honor of chatting with Debbie, just when I needed someone to just chat with.

Make sense?
It was a busy Sunday today. Washing the dogs and then having them hating and mistrusting me for it...cleaning like there is no tomorrow, and well....just being. Being in the moment. Like now. In the moment. Windows open, husband in the leather chair doing his quiet thing on the computer, dogs sleeping, and me sitting at my gi-normous dining table typing my random thoughts.

Monday Monday, can't trust that day,
Monday Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way
Oh Monday morning, you gave me no warning of what was to be
Oh Monday Monday, how could you leave and not take me.
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